Cebu Archives

Termite swarming season in the Philippines

termite swarm

Are you starting to see winged termites or alates, often wrongly referred to as “gamu-gamo“, attracted to light sources in the evenings?  Termite swarming or synchronized flight occurs in different times of the year but the peak coincide with the onset of the rainy season in the Philippines, which is more pronounced in Metro Manila and most of Luzon but less in Mindanao where rainfall is most evenly distributed.  The timing is species-specific and not only depends on the season and local weather, but the condition of individual…

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Termite Control beyond houses and buildings

wooden yacht by nwclassicyacht

While we generally associate termite problems with furniture and buildings, both residential and commercial, termite infestations can also be as bad or even worse in electric and other utility poles, boats and marine dockage. Therefore, termite control is also important for such structures that may easily be overlooked here in the Philippines. Termite control for these structures are most effective as termite treatment prior to installation or preventive treatment of the wood. But if an infestation has occurred, treatment options are available, including fumigation for expensive properties like…

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What are Termites?

wood damaged by termites

Termites are soft-bodied insects, also commonly known as “white ants” but are actually very different from and distantly related to ants. They belong to different groups of insects: termites are Isopterans that are closely related to another group of pests, the cockroaches; while ants are grouped with bees and wasps in Hymenoptera. Termites are generally light-colored, and have fore wings and hind wings that are about the same size and shape and lay flat against the back. These wings are one of the signs of termite infestation when…

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Termite Control is the answer

Elin Nordegren's mansion courtesy of Pacific Coast News

Termites was the answer to the question: Why did Tiger Woods’ ex-wife level a $12 million mansion?  All the speculations about the reason behind a seemingly whimsical act of Elin Nordegren came down to the reality that a tiny insect pest can ruin a beautiful mansion. Yes, termites can do that to any building from the smallest of shacks to the palatial mansions, and termite control is the answer to this problem in subtropical and tropical urban areas. The culprit could be the eastern subterranean termite or the…

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