Termites that become Pests

when termites become pests

In a previous blog, we learned that not all termite species are considered “pests”, but only those that negatively impact humans get that label.  But how does a handful of species become pests, while the rest don’t. All termite species eat wood and cellulose products, a type of food that most other animals cannot digest.  In a natural setting, dead trees, fallen leaves and other plant materials are eaten and broken down by termites and other wood-boring insects.  The process goes on with the help of other organisms…

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Are all termites pests?

when termites become pests

The words “termite” and “pest” are almost always associated.  Does it follow then that all termites are pests?  If you answered yes, then the word “control” seem to naturally come to mind as you might want to keep the perceived problem at bay. No matter how apt the pest label is to termites that destroy structures, crops and objects important to man, there are many termite species that do not directly impact humans at all.  In fact, only a small proportion of termite species have been labeled as…

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Don’t Let Termites Eat Your Money Away

Banknotes destroyed by termites

Yes, termites can eat your money away, literally!  We are not just talking about these pests devouring portions of your home, boats, furniture, paintings or antiques.  Termites are again in the news for almost eating away around $65,000 of banknotes stashed away in a wooden drawer in China. Fortunately for the old lady in Guangdong Province, bank employees were able to identify about 85% of the damaged banknotes.  Nonetheless, the act of ignoring the threat posed by termites cost her close to $10,000. A couple of years ago,…

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Termites are not just structural pests to control

Termite Gut Microbial Bioreactors

When the word “termite” is mentioned, “pest control” almost always comes to mind for most of us.  But do you know that the same capability that made termites pests to our homes also contributes to our well-being? In nature, termites break down wood that may otherwise remain as wood for a very long time.  Imagine a world where dead trees and other plant materials pile up and ecosystem processes hampered because no animal is capable of digesting cellulose.  Decomposing wood makes nutrients that are locked in trees available…

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